Sunday, February 24, 2008

...a girl with a whim.

"I've done lots of stuff on a whim. I've flown to Florida, Arizona, all on a whim. You have to just let yourself do it. Thats why its on a whim."

As I was walking to get Starbucks I overheard a girl on her phone talking about doing things on a whim; flying to Florida and Arizona from Virginia just on a whim! So I started thinking about the things that I have done on a whim, but could only really think of one thing.

I was just starting at a restaurant the first semester of college, and even at noon it was packed. I kept feeling my phone vibrating, but ignored it until finally I asked someone to watch my tables. When I looked to see who was calling, it was my mom, which made me a little worried. She answered the phone I could tell she had been crying. I didn't know what happened, but I started to get teary eyed. She didn't want to tell me while I was at work, but I made her spit it out. My great grandfather, who had had Alzheimer's for at least a year at that point, had just died. I started hysterically crying, thinking about how in 2 weeks we were supposed to go visit him. Luckily, they let me immediatly go home. The next day I went out and got "Papa 23-07" tattooed on my right foot.

Other than that, I have never done anything on a whim. I have always been one to plan things out months in advanced, whether that be classes that I plan to take, or flying. Then I thought about how crazy this person must be! I can't even imagine waking up one day and deciding to buy a ticket and go anywhere. Where would I stay? How would I get around? What do I take?

So, if anyone has crazy "on a whim" stories, leave them in a comment!

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