Sunday, February 24, 2008

...a girl with a whim.

"I've done lots of stuff on a whim. I've flown to Florida, Arizona, all on a whim. You have to just let yourself do it. Thats why its on a whim."

As I was walking to get Starbucks I overheard a girl on her phone talking about doing things on a whim; flying to Florida and Arizona from Virginia just on a whim! So I started thinking about the things that I have done on a whim, but could only really think of one thing.

I was just starting at a restaurant the first semester of college, and even at noon it was packed. I kept feeling my phone vibrating, but ignored it until finally I asked someone to watch my tables. When I looked to see who was calling, it was my mom, which made me a little worried. She answered the phone I could tell she had been crying. I didn't know what happened, but I started to get teary eyed. She didn't want to tell me while I was at work, but I made her spit it out. My great grandfather, who had had Alzheimer's for at least a year at that point, had just died. I started hysterically crying, thinking about how in 2 weeks we were supposed to go visit him. Luckily, they let me immediatly go home. The next day I went out and got "Papa 23-07" tattooed on my right foot.

Other than that, I have never done anything on a whim. I have always been one to plan things out months in advanced, whether that be classes that I plan to take, or flying. Then I thought about how crazy this person must be! I can't even imagine waking up one day and deciding to buy a ticket and go anywhere. Where would I stay? How would I get around? What do I take?

So, if anyone has crazy "on a whim" stories, leave them in a comment!

...a troubled couple.


Lauren comes home from work only to find that her boyfriends is nowhere to be found. The dogs are crying, nearly peeing themselves after being in the kennel for 4 hours, and there is no food in the cabinets. Upset, she calls him to come home as the dogs are frantically running out of the house. When he gets home he is wasted as usual, causing them to fight for the next 2 hours. Her roommates hear him incoherently yelling and her crying. 

"He's a bum anyways. I wish he would just leave," says one of her roommates.

He works at Rite Aid for $8 an hour, and yet is living free of charge at Lauren's house. He wakes up in the morning expecting to get the shower first, "What is he thinking?" His dog is constantly whining, causing the whole house to go crazy! They eat out every night, and he recently bought her lingerie from Victoria Secret, which must have cost at least $75, and he bought $100 Radiohead tickets; and yet he does not "have the money" to help with rent or utilities.

"How can you just bum off of your girlfriend and her roommates and not feel bad?" says the friend.

"He is just an asshole," says the roommate.


I have never had a blog before, so I am about 2 weeks behind. I will have my stories up soon!


Megan Thompson