Wednesday, April 16, 2008

...The Office lovers

The Office. Another one of "those" shows about nothing. I overheard a girl talking to (someone) on the phone and she said to them "Speaking of the office, you should watch that show The Office...yeah, you would like it, it is your kind of  humor." 

The Office is really funny. It is just about people, around 15 or so of them, in an Office and how they spend their days. It is literally about NOTHING, just like Seinfeld and similar to Curb Your Enthusiasm's humor, but for some strange reason is extremely funny. There is the wacky boss, who does not know how to act or what to say most of the time. There are a few office romances, there is a gay guy, and a weird guy. There are office pranks and parties.

I would recommend the show, at least watch it once.

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