Monday, January 4, 2010

...the margarita drinker

$1 off strawberry and lime.

and 3-6 later you are having a great time, and so is your friend, and their friend and theirs. The waiter asks, "want another," and naturally your response is "sure."

The question in the end is when is it ever enough.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

...a feminist

We are living in a male dominated world and I am a feminist girl.


You dont fight with your woman, cause soon enough she starts singing

"Oh. no. you. didnt. oh. my. god. boy."

They are always right.

...a boy who wants a dog

Dogs are a mans best friend.

"I want a dog just like yours," Jason said to Ashely. She wasnt so sure he could handle a dog but decided to help. Jason went to the SPCA, found a dog and happy ever after.

Well, not so much.

"The dog is not just like mine" said Ashely.

Its a puppy, not potty trained and not well mannered. He doesnt take the time to train it.

Dogs need:
-To go on walks
-Vet visits

You dont want to:
-Give Attention
-Go on walks
-Go to the vet


...orientation assistant

Being able to see all of the new students at VCU is great. They are what introduce students to VCU, they are what helps the student decide to stay or go to another school.

"My OA was awesome, she was so helpful with getting classes."

"My OA was awesome, he was so down to earth."

16 hour work days 2 days a week, 7 hour work days 2 days a week.

"And they all get theirs in the end."

...those against american troops

For those who think they know a thing or two about the war:


Unless you have been there, you cant say what is right and what is wrong in any situation.
Put yourself in their shoes and take time to think about you would do, realistically.

Think about it.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

...those against military assistance with refugees

A crisis happens, and people flee murder, rape, and war, and American troops are expected to help by possibly risking their lives.  However, sending troops does not mean that the problem is fixed, like the incidents of Somalia and Lebanon when things turned violent. Americans are quick to be the problem solvers, but many times at others' expense. The many men and women who join the military to defend the nation are being put into possible danger when the nations security is not even threatened.

Instead of constantly trying to be global police, we should focus on our domestic problems. Crises in other countries that do not affect us should be left to others, not our military troops.

... an undeclared college student

How do you choose what you want your major to be? How do you know/how do you not know? 

As someone who knows what they want to major in, how does it feel to not know. Are you confused and stressed, or are you filled with excitement because you have all options? I suppose the undeclared student has about a year to finish their general education classes while figuring out what they will decide.

I think if I was undeclared I would be stressed out all the time. I would not know what to choose or how to choose. I would be scared of taking the wrong class, or not taking the correct class.

It is interesting from each view point, I suppose.

...The Office lovers

The Office. Another one of "those" shows about nothing. I overheard a girl talking to (someone) on the phone and she said to them "Speaking of the office, you should watch that show The Office...yeah, you would like it, it is your kind of  humor." 

The Office is really funny. It is just about people, around 15 or so of them, in an Office and how they spend their days. It is literally about NOTHING, just like Seinfeld and similar to Curb Your Enthusiasm's humor, but for some strange reason is extremely funny. There is the wacky boss, who does not know how to act or what to say most of the time. There are a few office romances, there is a gay guy, and a weird guy. There are office pranks and parties.

I would recommend the show, at least watch it once.

...the apartment searcher

Searching for apartments is a very tricky process. It is strictly first come first serve, which leaves you with the tough choice of whether or not to immediately take the first apartment you like or to continue looking. There are so many strict rules to follow:

--Who are you going to live with?
--How much is the apartment? 
--What is included in the rent (water, sewer, trash, heat, cable, internet, electricity, gas)?
--Is there off street parking?
--Are the bedrooms big enough?
--How many bathrooms in comparison to bedrooms are there?
--Is there central air or window air conditioning units?
--Is there a washer/dryer?
--Is there a balcony/deck/back yard?
--How far from campus is this apartment?
--Is it in a (somewhat) safe part of town?

It is an extremely stressful process! So good luck to those who are looking!