Thursday, September 10, 2009

...a feminist

We are living in a male dominated world and I am a feminist girl.


You dont fight with your woman, cause soon enough she starts singing

"Oh. no. you. didnt. oh. my. god. boy."

They are always right.

...a boy who wants a dog

Dogs are a mans best friend.

"I want a dog just like yours," Jason said to Ashely. She wasnt so sure he could handle a dog but decided to help. Jason went to the SPCA, found a dog and happy ever after.

Well, not so much.

"The dog is not just like mine" said Ashely.

Its a puppy, not potty trained and not well mannered. He doesnt take the time to train it.

Dogs need:
-To go on walks
-Vet visits

You dont want to:
-Give Attention
-Go on walks
-Go to the vet


...orientation assistant

Being able to see all of the new students at VCU is great. They are what introduce students to VCU, they are what helps the student decide to stay or go to another school.

"My OA was awesome, she was so helpful with getting classes."

"My OA was awesome, he was so down to earth."

16 hour work days 2 days a week, 7 hour work days 2 days a week.

"And they all get theirs in the end."

...those against american troops

For those who think they know a thing or two about the war:


Unless you have been there, you cant say what is right and what is wrong in any situation.
Put yourself in their shoes and take time to think about you would do, realistically.

Think about it.